Shath'Yar 语
例如shath(old)加上yar(god)构成shath'yar,意为old gods,也指old gods使用的语言。
类似地,Shuul'wah = Deathwing.
- Y'za noq mah... Y'za noq ormz... = I am not (the) first... I am not (the) last...
- Sk'magg yawifk hoq. = Your suffering strengthens me.
- Uulwi ifis halahs gag erh'ongg w'ssh. = (The) shadow (of) my corpse will choke (this) land for all eternity.
- Iilth ma paf'qi'ag sk'halahs. = You are a prisoner (in) your own body.
- N'Zoth ga zyqtahg iilth. = The will of N'Zoth corrupts you.
- Sk'shgn eqnizz hoq. = Your fear drives me.
- Ywaq puul skshgn. = They drink your fear.
- Ag'THYZAK agthu. = We RECLAIM (this) world!
- Ak'agthshi ma uhnish. = Our numbers are endles.
- Sk'uuyat guulphg hoq. = Your agony sustains me.
但第二人称的主格为iilth,宾格为ilfah(或原形)。 这可能体现Shath-Yar语的历史演变,就像英语里第二人称主格、宾格原本不同(thou/ye, thee/you),后来统一。
- Iilth ma paf'qi'ag sk'halahs. GAZ SKSHGN! = You are a prisoner in your own body. A SERVANT OF FEAR!
- N'Zoth ga zyqtahg iilth. = (The) will (of) N'Zoth corrupts you.
- Ez, Shuul'wah! Sk'woth'gl yu'gaz yog'ghyl ilfah! = O, Deathwing! Your faithful servant has failed you!
- Ak'agthshi ma uhnish. = Our numbers are endles.
- Iilth ma paf'qi'ag sk'halahs. GAZ SKSHGN! = You are (a) prisoner (in) your (own) body. (A) SERVANT (OF) FEAR!
- Ywaq maq oou; ywaq maq ssaggh. Ywaq ma shg'fhn. = They do not die; they do not live. They are outside (the) cycle.
ma可能不用于第一人称,至少noq相当于am not(猜想noq的原形为no):
- Y'za noq mah... Y'za noq ormz... = I am not (the) first... I am not (the) last...
- Yoq'al shn ky ywaq nuul. = It is (the) perpetuity in (which) they dwell. (sha = in)
- Iilth qi mah'shar fhn oorql N'Zoth! = You will be (the) first (of) many (to) glimpse (the) madness (of) N'Zoth!
已知词汇:iilth, qi, mah, N'Zoth.
「Ywaq ma shg'fhn. 」中shg'fhn对应outside the cycle,猜想shg意为outside,fhn意为cycle. 又「ak'uq shg'cul vwahuhn」翻译为「our power beyond reckoning」,推断shg'cul对应beyond. 基于shg意为outside的猜想,进一步猜想shg'cul也是合成词,cul大概是line或side的意思。
Cataclysm in the Catacombs中有NPC台词「Gillari, geth'shar. Gillari, teko'shar. It sees. It knows. geth'shar和teko'shar大约对应see和know. 那么shar应该有see的意思。
那么mah'shar fhn就应该作为一个词组理解,大概是circle of first see,最早见到...的圈子。
- Sk'yahf qi'plahf PH'MAGG! = Your soul will know ENDLESS TORMENT!
- Ilith qi'uothk shn'ma yeh'glu Shath'Yar! = You will drown in (the) blood (of the) Old Gods!
- H'iwn iggksh Phquathi gag OOU KAAXTH SHUUL! = All (who) oppose the Destroyer will DIE A THOUSAND DEATHS!
N'Zoth ga zyqtahg iilth. = The will of N'Zoth corrupts you.
- Sk'shuul agth vorzz N'Zoth naggwa'fssh. = Your deaths shall sing of N'Zoth's unending glory.
- Iilth vwah, uhn'agth fhssh za. = Where one falls, many shall take its place.
第二个例句直译为:You fall, many shall take place.
- Iilth sythn aqev... aqev... aqev... = You are going mad... mad... mad...
- Yeh'glu N'Zoth okom hoq... Y'za sythn oou... = (The) blood (of) N'Zoth runs through me... I cannot die...
第二个例句中,Y'za sythn oou直译为I am dying. 不死族不断腐烂,不断走向死亡,可以说是不死,也可以说是正在死。
- Al'ksh syq iir awan? = Is this real or (an) illusion?
- Gul'kafh an'shel. = Gaze into (the) void.
- Gul'kafh an'qov N'Zoth. = Gaze into (the) heart (of) N'Zoth.
Shu = A prefix denoting past tense;
Sythn = A prefix denoting progressive tense;
Qi = A prefix denoting future tense;
Agth = Denoting future tense for plural and uncountable nouns;
Gag = Exact equivalent of English word "Will";
Maq = Negative prefix for personal pronouns;
Noq = Negative prefix;
Zz = And;
Iir = Or;
Xig = (Suffix)How;
An = Into;
Cul = (Suffix)On;
Ksh = Atop;
Qwor = Above;
Shg = Beyond;
Shn = In;
Thoq = For;
Uulg = After;
Y = My;
Hoq = Me;
Ag = We;
Ak = Our;
Iilth = You;
Ilfah = (Objective)You;
Sk = Your;
On = It;
Ywaq = They;
Ky = Which;
Amqa = Come;
Eqnizz = Drive;
Erh = Choke;
Et = Rule;
Fssh = Replace; Glorify;
Guulphg = Sustain;
Gul'kafh = Gaze;
Huqth = Sate;
Iggksh = Oppose;
Kyth = See;
Lwhuk = Devour;
Magg = Wander; Suffer;
Nuq = Adorn;
Nuul = Dwell;
Oorql = Glimpse;
Oou = Die;
Phgwa = Whisper;
Plahf = Know;
Qam = Return;
Sshk = (auxil.v.)Do; (=Sshoq?);
Sshoq = Twist;
Thyzak = Reclaim;
Uothk = Drown;
Vorzz = Sing; Sing of;
Vwah = Fall;
Yawifk = Strengthen;
Worg = Fade;
Zaix = Praise;
Zyqtahg = Corrupt;
Anagg = Endless;
Aqev = Mad;
Eth = Light;
H'iwn = All;
Iiqaath = Curse;
Kssh = Bleakest;
Mah = First;
Mh = Only;
Mg = Writhing;
Naggwa = Unending;
Ormz = Last;
Qor = Endless;
Shath = (adj. form of Shel?); Black; Old;
Sshoq = Twisted;
Syq = Real;
Uhnish = (adj.)Many; Endless;
Vwyq = (adv.)Once; Once more;
W'ssh = (=W'ssht)Eternal; (adv.)Eternally;
W'ssht = (=W'ssh)Eternal; (adv.)Eternally;
Woth'gl = Faithful;
Ye = (adv.)Again;
Agash = Despair;
Agthshi = Number;
Agthu = World;
Awan = Illusion;
Fhn = Cycle; Many of the cycle;
Fssh = Glory;
Gaz = (=Yu'gaz)Servant;
Halahs = Body; Corpse;
Hnakf = Wind; Shivering Wind;
Iiyoq = Will;
Kaaxth = Thousand;
Luk = Road;
Ma = Millennia;
Mag = Empire;
Magg = Suffering; Torment;
Mah = The first;
Maqdahl = Sorrow;
Meg = Banner; Flesh-banner;
Naus = Hunger;
Okom = Run through; Run;
Ongg = Earth; Land;
Or = Hundred;
Ormz = The last;
Paf = Prisoner;
Paf'qi'ag = One who will be our prisoner;
Pahg = Kindom;
Phquati = Destroyer;
Puul = Drink;
Qen = Spiral;
Qornaus = Endless hunger;
Qov = Heart;
Razzqi = Light;
Shath'mag = The Black Empire;
Shath'Yar = Old Gods;
Shath'yar = Language of Old Gods;
Shel = Void;
Shgla'yos = They who dine on lost souls; Yogg-Saron;
Shgn = Fear;
Shfk = Howl;
Shuul = Death;
Ssaggh = Live;
Tek = Skull;
Uq = Power;
Uull = (=Uulwi)Shadow; Darkness;
Uulwi = (=Uull)Shadow;
Uuyat = Agony;
Vra = Chitter;
Vwahuhn = Reckoning; (Vwah + Uhn)Many fallens; Too many;
Wah = Wing;
Yahf = Soul;
Yar = God;
Yeh'glu = Blood;
Yel = Citadel;
Yoq'al = Perpetuity;
Yu'gaz = (=Gaz)Servant;
Yyqzz = Throne;
Za = Place;
Zig = Depth; Deeps;
Zuq = Life;
Zzof = Victory;
词汇表据 Ningyou 古神语写作不完全指北·修订第二版. 仅作参考,部分词汇的释义我们有不同意见。
Ez = O/Oh
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Light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul.
-- Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita
May the force be with you.
-- Star Wars
See you soon.
Hello world!
A1: 这些词汇未知fire、loin、sin, 可用近义词代替:fire/fssh (glory), loin/qornaus (endless hunger), sin/uull(darkness).
Razzqi ifis zuq, fssh ifis qornaus. Ifis uull. Ifis yahf.
A2: 同样,用近义词替换未知词汇。
Agth uq eqnizz ilfah.
也就是Shall (the) power drive you. 这个语义和原文其实有一段距离,不过我想不到更好的翻译了。
A3: soon 未知,翻译同义句 see you again.
Kyth ilfah ye.
A4: Ez, agthu!